Category Archive 'Black Mamba'

18 Jan 2020

If Correctly Identified….


that there was one helluva a black mamba.

The possibilities are pretty limited. It might possibly be really a King Cobra.

12 Mar 2008

South African Wildlife College Guide Course Included Black Mamba Bite

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George Grall/National Geographic

The Southern African Wildlife College offers a one year course preparing for a career as a safari guide, costing UK£ 5595 / US$ 10,910 / € 8395, including “dangerous game experience.”

The Telegraph story reports that one of the lessons included the transfer of a black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) between containers, in the course of which a British student, one Nathan Layton, 28, was bitten.

Neither Layton nor the college’s staff believed the snake had injected any venom, so the lecture was resumed. Twenty minutes later, however, Mr. Layton went into a coma, and subsequently died.

The late Nathan Layton with girlfriend

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