Cat Stands Off Cobra
Cats, Cobra, The Right Stuff
HT: Vanderleun.
Category Archive 'Cobra'
26 Jun 2019
“Don’t Ever Hit Your Cobra With a Shovel, It Leaves a Dull Impression on His Mind.”Amusement, Cobra, Pennsylvania, The Right Stuff
05 Jun 2016
Artificial Following NatureCobra, Design, Hypodermic Needle, Technology
Both are designed to pierce the skin and admit fluids into the bloodstream, although it is often the case that the intended effects are polar opposites. Artificial designs frequently imitate those of nature; in this case, mankind was approximately 25 million years late. 03 Oct 2007
“Nothing a Drink Can’t Fix!”Cambodia, Cobra, Darwin Awards, Natural HistoryThe Bangkok Post reports a story of imprudent optimism.