Category Archive 'Fu Manchu'

09 Apr 2020

Instapundit Down Since Yesterday!

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All web sites occasionally have technical issues, but Glenn Reynolds’ Instapundit blog is the absolute top of the heap in Conservative commentary, and it is well-supported by skilled professionals. I’ve seen it down before for a few hours, but never overnight.

My guess is that the site was taken down by a deliberate and very technically sophisticated attack in response to some posting or other criticizing the government of China and attributing to it responsibility for the COVID-19 international pandemic.

Cross Fu Manchu and the nefarious Si Fan, and the next thing you know, there’s a hamadryad in your bed.


UPDATE, 4/10:

Late yesterday, I was able to connect to Instapundit with Chrome & Explorer. Firefox still produces the same “Error establishing a database connection” message.

I have changed nothing in Firefox. Of course, an update may have.


UPDATE, 4/11:

Vanderleun suggests that clearing your cache may solve the problem. I would not be surprised if he was right.

NEW UPDATE, later 4/11:

It’s fixed. Glenn Reynolds stepped in and got it done.

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