Category Archive 'LGBT Issues'

06 Oct 2020

Deer Season Comes Every Fall

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Social media platforms are all petty little left-wing dictatorships featuring censorship systems administered by deviants and neurotics.

There are bitter jokes going around all the time about Facebook’s “Community Standards” enforcers resembling the cast of Portlandia.

The Blaze reports on a classic case illustrating just who is in charge around here. This particular example pertains to Twitch, “a video live streaming service operated by Twitch Interactive, a subsidiary of Amazon. Introduced in June 2011 as a spin-off of the general-interest streaming platform, the site primarily focuses on video game live streaming, including broadcasts of esports competition.”

[There is] a new member of the Twitch moderation team: a transgender who identifies as a deer and who openly threatened to ban Twitch users with less “diverse” opinions.

“I have power, they can’t take it away from me,” bragged Steph Loehr, also known as FerociouslySteph. “And honestly there are some people that should be afraid of me, and they are because I represent moderation and diversity and I’m gonna come for harmful people. If you’re a really sh**ty person – I’m gonna stand up against you. Period. And Twitch is endorsing me to do that.” …

Loehr [has] explain[ed] how she likes to “prance around and eat grass,” as well as having a “deergasm.”

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