Category Archive 'Martha Raddatz'

10 Oct 2016

Partisan Debate Moderators

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The liberal MSM is gloating this morning:

Politico: Raddatz, Cooper crack the whip

Forbes: Donald Trump Schooled By Moderators Martha Raddatz And Anderson Cooper At Second Debate

The NYT was particulary smug: Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper Steered Debate With Sharp Questions:

They dug for revelations, extracting news nuggets — a rarity on a debate night — like Donald J. Trump’s admission that he had used a nearly billion-dollar loss to avoid paying federal income taxes for years.

They pressed for specifics, interrupting the candidates to demand concrete strategies for handling conflict in Syria and reforming the nation’s health care system.

And they posed blunt, provocative questions at a forum that typically feels more like public broadcasting than cable news: Had Mr. Trump ever sexually assaulted a woman? Did Hillary Clinton really believe that her use of a private email server was not “extremely careless”?

The duo overseeing Sunday’s presidential debate, Anderson Cooper of CNN and Martha Raddatz of ABC News, seemed to cast off the hand-wringing pressures on this year’s crop of moderators — Is fact-checking mandatory? Are interruptions O.K.? — and put themselves directly in the mix of a high-stakes encounter.

The immediate response was praise from many journalists and some grumbling from partisans.


Hey, Trumpkins! If Donald Trump is sooo smart and competent, not like all those low-energy democrat punching-bags in the normal GOP, and Trump is going to able to change all the rules, stop the US from being cheated, and negotiate much, much better, beautiful, yuge! smarter deals… So, how come, why is it that last night we found Donald Trump in a debate moderated by (hostile liberal butterfly) Anderson Cooper and (democrat establishment attack dog) Martha Raddatz, who both shamelessly interrupted him, kept him from successfully driving home any of his major points, curtailed his time, and who together behaved with lightly concealed democrat partisanship?

Shouldn’t a so much smarter guy be able to avoid being pushed around and manipulated this way? Wouldn’t a smarter great negotiator be able to secure for himself a balanced and fair set of debate moderators?

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