Category Archive 'Nobel Peace Prize'

14 Oct 2012

EU Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

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The best line came from the fellow on Facebook who quipped: “At least, they didn’t give the European Union the prize for Economics!”

21 Mar 2011

New Nobel Record

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First tomahawk launched from US missile destroyer in Operation Odyssey Dawn


Barack Obama has now fired more cruise missiles than all other Nobel Peace prize winners combined.



From Abu Muqawama:

A Tomahawk Missile cost $569,000 in FY99, so if my calculations are correct, they cost a little over $736,000 today assuming they are the same make and model. The United States fired 110 missiles yesterday, which adds up to a cost of around $81 million. That’s… about 33 times the amount of money National Public Radio receives in grants each year from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, which the House of Representatives… wants to de-fund.

12 Oct 2010

Chinese Dissident Awarded Nobel Peace Prize

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China was not happy about the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo.

22 Dec 2009

Special Promotion

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Horizon Auto Center in Rockwall, Texas made the Dallas Morning News with the above sign.

Hat tip to the News Junkie.

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