Category Archive 'Scarteen Hunt'

08 Sep 2021

Hector Goes…. Hunting With the Scarteen

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(click on image for video)

Hector O’ hEoghagain (“O’Hogan” to you and me), a popular Irish television presenter, went hunting with the famous Scarteen Black and Tan Kerry Beagles in November of 2012 for a program episode broadcast in February 2013.

HT: Greg Barrow.

31 Jan 2013

“Hector Goes Hunting” (With the Scarteen)

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Ireland has some interesting television.

In this individual segment of a four-part series, Hector Ó hEochagáin (I think that would be “Hector O’Hogan” to you or me), as part of a personal investigation of important aspects of Irish life, goes out fox hunting with Ireland’s illustrious black-and-tan Scarteen pack.

Someday, we have to visit the Scarteen, too.

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