Category Archive 'Shorpy’s'

16 Aug 2023

School’s Out! (1942 — Dunklin County, Missouri

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14 Sep 2020

The Old America

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July 1941. “Store with cap guns and fireworks for sale, Fourth of July, Vale, Oregon.”

Cap guns were still legal when I was a boy.

From Shorpy’s.

16 Mar 2020

Hemingway in Africa, 1953

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From Shorpy’s: Papa is sitting next to Mary Welsh Hemingway, holding a Winchester pump .22 of all things, on his second trip to Africa in 1953. It looks like the gun-bearer right behind him is holding the .577 Westley Richards Double Rifle.

Hemingway had lousy luck on that trip getting to survive (barely) two plane crashes. In the second one, the plane caught fire, the door was stuck shut, and Hemingway concussed himself bashing the door open with his head.

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