Category Archive 'Steve Bannon'

13 Jul 2024

It Has Happened Here

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The Biden regime threw a political opponent into prison earlier this month. His crime? Steve Bannon asserted executive privilege and defied a partisan subpoena from Congressional democrats.

Democrat Attorneys General Eric Holder and Merrick Garland and Head of IRS Lois Lerner all did exactly the same thing and were never punished.

Naomi Wolf expresses the sense of outrage and indignation that every American should share.

28 Mar 2017

Good Quotation

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At least one good line was reported in connection with last Friday’s Obamacare repeal debacle. PJ Media:

[A] few days before House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) was forced to pull the American Health Care Act from the floor, White House chief strategist Steve Bannon told members of the Freedom Caucus, “This is not a discussion. This is not a debate. You have no choice but to vote for this bill.”

An unidentified congressman reportedly replied, “You know, the last time someone ordered me to something, I was 18 years old. And it was my daddy. And I didn’t listen to him, either.”

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