Category Archive 'Test'
11 Feb 2007

Will That Bible Stop a Bullet?

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Old Painless, at The Box of Truth, investigates the old story of the shirt pocket bible saving the soldier’s life by stopping a bullet, testing the book penetration capabilities of a variety of pistol and rifle rounds.

30 Jan 2007

Which Sci Fi Author Are You?

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I got:

Jerry Pournelle

This old-fashioned writer may be the most unapologetic capitalist in the field. He has also been influential in many other fields, from space policy to the computer industry

??? Not Heinlein??? (Well, I’m not the perv that he was, but, still…)

Can you get Roger Zelazny as a result?

Hat tip to Seneca the Younger.

21 Jan 2007

Find Satoshi!

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Is it possible to locate a man given only his photograph and first name?

A UK-based game company is testing the theory of six degrees of separation. They have given us a photograph of a man, a name, and the Japanese characters that translate to “Find me”.

We are each only five to seven people away from any target in the world. Someone, somewhere, knows Satoshi. Help spread the word and track down this person!

Project site.

31 Dec 2006

Which Super Hero Are You?


My results:

You are Superman

You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.


05 Dec 2006

Are You a Geek?


InnerGeek has a test.

28 Nov 2006

What American Accent?


What American Accent Do You Have?



I got:

Your Result: Boston
You definitely have a Boston accent, even if you think you don’t. Of course, that doesn’t mean you are from the Boston area, you may also be from New Hampshire or Maine.

Doesn’t make much sense to me. I’m from Pennsylvania originally. And I certainly do not speak like a Bostonian.

24 Apr 2006

World’s Smallest Political Quiz

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My Score

12 Apr 2006

Samurai Sword Versus Bullet

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A bullet is fired from a pistol in a rest directly at the edge of a shinsakuto, a newly made samurai sword. There is a winner. video

22 Mar 2006

Are You a Good German?

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The German state of Hesse is starting to test immigrants who wish to become German citizens on their knowledge of German history, culture and politics. The test consists of 100 questions. Handelsblatt has on-line an 18 question excerpt (in German, natürlich).


26 Feb 2006

Political Beliefs Assessment Test

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Are you an Archconservative, Leftwing Wacko, Antigovernment Libertine or a Commie Sympathizer?


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