Category Archive 'Urinals'

13 Jun 2013

The Next Step in the Emasculation of Europe

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Humorous Japanese mensroom

The Inquisitr tells us that a predictably inevitable step in the leftist agenda has arrived in Europe.

Standing up while urinating may soon be illegal for men in Europe. Male representatives on the Sormland County Council and the Left Party are pushing for “sitting only” public restrooms. Exactly how the self-avowed socialist and feminist political party plans on enforcing the allegedly more sanitary restroom habits of males remains to be seen. Supporters of the law against standing while urinating also believe that male health will be bolstered when urinating while sitting on a toilet so the bladder empties more effectively, according to the Huffington Post.

If upright male urination becomes too politically incorrect to tolerate in Western Europe any longer, legal citations may soon begin flying. The Naked Scientists website notes that a similar movement is also brewing in Germany, France and Holland.

Read the whole thing.

Hat tip to Chris Buckley.

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