08 Feb 2010

Palin Turns Palm Notes into a Joke

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Palin mocks hand notes story

The big news of the day (from the perspective of the left blogosphere) was the HuffPo photo taken during her speech at the Tea Party Convention revealing some talking points jotted on the palm of Sarah Palin’s left hand.

This one did not impress many people outside the left, but it did provoke derision from Ann Althouse and a humorous response (see photo above) from Sarah Palin herself.

One Feedback on "Palin Turns Palm Notes into a Joke"


Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has paperwork to refer to. Pres.Obama has his teleprompter to play tennis with.

Sarah Palin had couple notes on her hand to make sure she spoke of these items. I would say she had to read the least of the President and all the rest of his stupid jerk admin. They constantly are dragging themselves down like bullys in grammar school. I hope they keep up their infantile assaults.


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