Category Archive 'Interior Decorating'

16 Mar 2021

Harvard Men Are Like This


14 Apr 2020

Nice Vacation Rental


Rue Quincampoix is a one-bedroom, two-bathroom home in Le Marais. On the sitting room’s mezzanine, you’ll find another sumptuous bed, making the office the comfortable quarters for a third guest. Every room in this opulent 17th-century home has been furnished with a wealth of museum-worthy antiques and artworks carefully chosen by its discerning designers. From the sitting room’s original fireplace and Italian Renaissance paintings to the contemporary Shen Wei piece that hangs above the master bed, you’ll discover many unique treasures here. Even the bathrooms are an Ottoman-inspired dream. Rue Quincampoix is beautifully situated too – on one of the oldest streets in Paris, close to all the city’s sights and just a two-minute walk from Rambuteau metro station.

For rent at only $675 a night. Here.

05 Mar 2020

Plants & Pink: Millennial Interior Design

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Molly Fischer, at the Cut, defines for us the millennial decor paradigm and wishes it would go away.

You walk beneath a white molded archway. You’ve entered a white room.

A basketlike lamp hangs overhead; other lamps, globes of brass and glass, glow nearby. Before you is a couch, neatly tufted and boxy, padded with an assortment of pillows in muted geometric designs. Circles of faded terra-cotta and pale yellow; mint-green and mustard confetti; white, with black half-circles and two little dots — aha. Those are boobs. You look down. Upon the terrazzo nougat of the coffee table, a glass tray trimmed in brass. It holds a succulent in a lumpy ceramic pot, a scented candle with a matte-pink label. A fiddle-leaf fig somewhere looms. Above a bookshelf (spines organized by color), a poster advises you to WORK HARD & BE NICE TO PEOPLE. In the far corner, within the shrine of an arched alcove, atop a marble plinth: one lonely, giant cartoon jungle leaf, tilting from a pink ceramic tube. You sense — in a way you could neither articulate nor explain — the presence of a mail-order foam mattress somewhere close at hand.
All that pink. All those plants. All that white. It’s so clean! Everything’s fun, but not too much fun. And there, in the round mirror above the couch: It’s you. You know where you are. Or do you?


10 Apr 2019

Books Do Furnish a Room

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Perigold has very nice, and quite expensive lamps, and it also sells books for entirely decorative purposes, grouped by color and style of binding.

Above we see 50 book (five linear feet of them) in green. You can get red and blue and beige and even colorful dust jacketed books! Perfect for morons who do not read.

22 Jan 2014

Inviting Room

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The Tumblr image seems to come ultimately from here.

Hat tip to Madame Scherzo.

28 May 2013

Lovecraftian Lighting

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Scott Musgrove, Walktopus

Awfully expensive at $4000 though. I wonder what the 5′ tall version runs.

Via Madame Scherzo.

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