Category Archive 'Kali'

24 Mar 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

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Gimme that old time religion department: the Times of India reports that Tekam Das, a Hindu priest in the province of Sind, on Tuesday sacrificed three daughters (all aged under six) and then himself to the goddess Kali.


Technological tour de force: Eric Whitacre‘s Lux Aurumque 6:20 video of virtual choir performance, 185 performers from 12 countries recorded on 243 tracks.

Audition videos (link).

How it was organized (link).

How it was made (link).

Via Kottke.


What American states & cities have the best-equipped male residents? Condomania has the list. New Hampshire and New Orleans win.


Why do I walk like that?

Detail of Megan Jaegerman police graphic discussed by Edward Tufte.

Via Cory Doctorow.

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