Category Archive 'Las Vegas Shootings'

12 Oct 2017

Fake News

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The fake “Second Shooter” story fooled Lucianne briefly, and therefore me.

CNN-International” is clearly not really CNN at all, just another fake news site.

Fact checked here.

Why they bother is a mystery to me.

07 Oct 2017

Man Shot in the Leg in Las Vegas Stands Up for the President

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“I will never lie down when the President of this great country comes to shake my hand! There may be plenty of issues in this country but I will always respect my country, my president and my flag. Shot in the leg or not, I will stand to show my President the respect he deserves!”

HT: Vanderleun.

06 Oct 2017

Las Vegas: Worst Shooting in US History?

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05 Oct 2017

Lots of Questions About Las Vegas


Tyler Durden asks 16 Unanswered Questions About The Las Vegas Shooting That Mainstream Media Doesn’t Want To Talk About.

The authorities are keeping too much to themselves.

Yeah, and while we’re at it, Mike Adams has Five MORE things that don’t add up about the Las Vegas massacre… Where is all the expended brass?

Sorry, liberals, I want to have the answers for all of these before I surrender my deer rifle.

03 Oct 2017

Dems Exploiting Las Vegas Tragedy to Push Their Gun Control Agenda

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Daren Jonescu explains that that is what Progressives do.

Within hours of a man carrying out a horrifyingly successful mass shooting in Las Vegas, in which the death toll as of this writing is almost sixty, Democrats are out in public demanding gun control legislation. As disgustingly cynical as this is, it is not in the least bit surprising. Many more will join the chorus in the coming days, while a complicit news media will keep the horror fresh to facilitate the Democrats’ exploitation of sadness and pain.

Never wishing to appear to their neo-communist handlers as weaklings inclined to put humanity before politics, or willing to pre-empt the revolution out of respect for human suffering, progressive politicians at America’s moment of “fundamental transformation” seem to want to look callous and inhuman, even as they claim to represent the interests of the suffering and downtrodden.

Rahm Emanuel’s infamous cat-out-of-the-bag moment – “never let a crisis go to waste” – has quickly evolved from an awkward instance of progressive self-revelation into the proud mantra of the American left. Leftists are no longer even ashamed at the old accusation of “politicizing a tragedy.” Tragedy – the bigger, the better – is the grease in their wheels. Politicizing hardship has always been their stock in trade, and now, through years of practice, they have trained to the public to regard this extreme cynicism as the norm, so that the accusation no longer carries any meaning.


03 Oct 2017

Tweet of the Day

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