Ray McGovern, in an interview with Moonbat journal Mother Jones, states that VIPS was organized in January of 2003.
We established our group, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, in January of last year. Before that several of us had been writing op-eds, and we had been giving each other sanity checks, because the conclusions we were coming up with were pretty far out — that the President and the Secretary of State were lying through their teeth.
According to McGovern, VIPS, at the time of the interview (March 2004), had 35 members consisting of retired and resigned officials from the FBI, Defense Intelligence, NSA, Army Intelligence, and the State Department, and also boasted of the existence of active members of the intelligence community working with VIPS, but “not as members.”
Why is this group of disaffected intelligence agency and state department officials trying to bring down the Bush Administration?
Because there is no English word to describe our outrage. We’ve been watching this for a year now, and we’ve published eleven memos on what the Bush administration has done. We’re just aghast at what we saw all during 2002.
We have never seen anything like this orchestrated campaign, as the Administration chose to play on America’s real suffering and trauma to sell an illegal and unnecessary war.
VIPS original steering committee included:
Raymond McGovern, Arlington
Richard Beske, San Diego, “former CIA officer”
Kathleen McGrath Christison, Santa Fe
William Christison, Santa Fe, resigned from VIPS 15 July 2003, over memo calling for Cheney’s resignation.
Patrick Eddington, Alexandria Sourcewatch
David MacMichael, Linden, VA
Obvious additional affiliates or allies, appearing in the 2003 Moveon.org-sponsored film, Uncovered: the Whole Truth About the Iraq War include:
Milt Bearden, former CIA station chief in Pakistan
Mel Goodman Mother Jones bio and in CounterPunch Democracy Now! interview
The Rt Honorable Clare Short
The Honorable Henry Waxman
Colonel Mary Ann Wright
Linked via Goodman above:
Other alleged VIPS members:
Ray Close, Princeton, NJ quotes CounterPunch 10Jun03 On Fallujah30Apr04
An evolving document with links being added….

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What about the previous post? I think that’s an important note as well.
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