The Truth Laid Bear bit the Blogosphere today, when its proprietor began implementing plans to eliminate counts of open trackbacks, and other forms of blogger cooperation in raising the status of individual blogs, toward ecosystem ratings and top posts. TTLB results are in complete shambles at present.
Glenn Reynolds, eat your heart out. Higher Beings are currently being reported to be:
1.Cold Fury (62) details (62) details
3. (62) details
4.Inter Alia (62) details
5.Times & Seasons (62) details
6.Writing for the Web (62) details
7.Go Dubya! (62) details
8.Freedom Nation (62) details
9. Cor ad cor loquitur (62) details
10.Hypocrisy and Hypotheses… an acute angle in an obtuse world (62) details
Three out of ten of which are dead links.
But what do we know? We’ve regressed to Multicellar Microorganism.
We were warned this was coming yesterday by James Joyner. Hat tip to Glenn Reynolds.
Irate bloggers can be found starting with Don Surber.

don surber
If I knew then what I know now, I’d have kept my big trap shut
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