15 Dec 2005

Zarqawi’s Iraq Election Coverage

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And some people say there’s nothing good on PJM!

Iowahawk is offering special coverage of the election in Iraq by Special Correspondent Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi:

Yozup, haters? Yeahhh, the Zarkman’s comin’ at ya from B-town, and me and the Q Crew be all up in this bish. Infidel who runs this blog says all y’alls over in Satanland got some big hard-on about this Iraqi election shit, and asked me if I would jack his hit counter with a little local Q Crew flava. Normally Zarkman would tell the tell the punkass bitch to go suck it. But the choads at Pajamas Media are passin’ out the Haterade, so somebody’s gotta give you the Team Z POV.


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