03 Jun 2006

MSM’s Double-Standards

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LGF finds The Guardian, always quick to condemn the US on the basis of even rumors of coercive interrogation of captured terrorists, nodding approvingly at coerced (but persuasive!) confession extracted by terrorists themselves.

Blackmailed into a web of treason woven from their own deceit and sexual transgressions, Jefal and his lover faced the justice of the street this week when the 25-year-old Palestinian father was dragged blindfolded into the heart of Balata refugee camp in the West Bank and shot as the worst kind of traitor – a collaborator with Israel. At the execution the mother of one of those he betrayed handed out sweets.

An hour or so later Jefal’s mistress, Wedad Mustafa, a 27-year-old mother of four young children, was hauled from her home by her brothers and killed before a crowd in an act designed to restore the family’s honour.

Public killings of collaborators are not uncommon in the occupied territories. But behind the deaths of Jefal and Wedad lies a tale of both Israeli blackmail, in an operation to stalk one of the most wanted men in Balata, and of two lovers seeking to get rid of an unwanted husband.

Jefal, a member of a respected family in Balata, left an account – coerced but persuasive – of turning traitor. A “confession” video was recorded following interrogation by members of al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, the armed Palestinian group responsible for hundreds of deaths in suicide bombings and other attacks and which dominates the refugee camp next to Nablus.

Would that there were only some way to separate our entire treasonous liberal clerisy from the rest of the population of the Western democracies, step aside, and let the Islamofascists have them, to deal with as they choose.


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