My wife finally had a chance to see Andy Garcia’s new film The Lost City, and Karen complained to me today that she could not understand why so excellent, and unusual, a film (one that actually tells the truth about Communism) is not receiving greater attention and support from the right side of the media and the Blogosphere.
I reviewed it with discretion myself, not wanting to give away all the details of the plot, since I expected many readers would not yet have seen the film. I have, however, promised Karen that I would supply some links providing more commentary and appreciation.
Humberto Fontova, Movie Critics Aghast at Andy Garcia’s ‘The Lost City’
Ninoska Pérez Castellón, The Havana of my dreams was a city of lights.
Kathry Jean Lopes, Don’t Let This Movie Get Lost.
And, last but not least: Marc Masferrer, “Son-of-a-bitch, fucking communists.” (I normally avoid certain kinds of language here, but in this case, these are technical terms.)
Earlier posting here.
Marc Masferrer
Thanks for the mention. I am glad y’all enjoyed the movie.
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