01 Jul 2006

Israel Bombs Gaza Power Plant; US Taxpayers Will Pay To Rebuild

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Israeli newspaper Haretz reports that the Palestinian Authority will be sending a bill to the US taxpayer for $48 million dollars to pay for rebuilding a power plant in Gaza destroyed by the Israeli air force last Tuesday.

Israel bombed the power plant as a not-so-subtle hint that the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority should instruct its militiamen to release the kidnapped Israeli soldier, Corporal Gilad Shalit.

US taxpayers may reflect ruefully that we probably paid for the bombs and the Israeli Air Force planes too. You’ve got to think that there must be a some way to settle all this where we only pay one time.

One Feedback on "Israel Bombs Gaza Power Plant; US Taxpayers Will Pay To Rebuild"


Oh God, Is’nt that evil?
People who support Israel forgot that Israel s an illegal country that was built on the stolen Palistne !! where is the world conscious?? this EVIL state should be illiminated , hopefully without having to destroy the world!
The USA is a country which has been taken over by it’s jewish mnority ,2% of people are 40% in the congress and more than 50% of the media !! isnt that SAAAD? they are not loyal to the US, they are loyal to the illegal state ,(as Mr.Spilberg sayed “i will die for israel” )!!
of course the jewish influence over the media created “Islamophobia ” you guys can say anything you want about Isalm, but cant even thick of sayng something about the HOLLLY HOLOCAUST..otherwise you may loose your life!! the whole world became a terrible place since those scum took over it !
good luck with your Islamophobia ,and don’t upset your jewish “owner”!!


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