In the above comic book cover, Combat Casey appears to be planning to injure the worthy Oriental gentleman on the ground with a knife.
Clearly, the Oriental gentleman is unarmed, helpless, and in pain, and Combat Casey really ought to be assisting him to rise to his feet, and dusting off his suit for him.
Worst of all, there is every reason to believe that the Truman Administration, in backroom secret proceedings, authorized this kind of application of cruelty and violence amounting to torture by US personnel against citizens of China vacationing on the Korean peninsula. No public debate was held, no international legal tribunals were consulted before this obviously violent individual assaulted the Chinese fellow.
It just shows how truly barbarous the United States used to be that representatives of the government of the United States were routinely permitted to torture, and even to murder, foreign nationals in remote locations without any charges being brought, without habeas corpus protections being accorded their victims, and without civil trials with competent legal counsel being provided.
President Bush signed an executive order Friday barring the CIA from using torture, acts of violence and degrading treatment in the interrogation and detention of terrorism suspects, but human rights experts questioned its scope. …
Some experts in human-rights law said Bush’s order contains “loopholes” that would allow the CIA to continue using aggressive interrogation techniques that others would consider torture.
“Let’s not forget that the administration’s theory of executive authority is very broad. They reserve the right to interpret laws in ways no one agrees with in emergency situations,” said John Sifton of Human Rights Watch, a nonprofit activist group. …
Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, issued a statement, saying, “We now need to determine what the executive order really means and how it will translate into actual conduct by the CIA.”

Jake Kilgore
There were still a few brave men in the Korean War and they should be appalauded. I like the above cover.
Its different now. The media has taught white Americans to fear blacks. To give them whatever they demand. America allows blacks to commit crimes and go free.
The media promotes black males with white females. You never noticed? Denial is a sign of real fear.
We have a foreign black president who is not even an American citizen. but he can break the law. He is part of the black master race.They are above the law.
Whites are wage slaves to the black parasitic ruling class.
That means that whites are cowards and weaklings.
I disagree with Lawrence.
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