State-enforced coercive egalitarianism has reached the level of paradox in Scottsdale, the Arizona Republic reports.
A Scottsdale bar owner said Monday that he will fight discrimination charges leveled by cross-dressing patrons and the Arizona Attorney General’s Office. …
The dispute began late last year, when Anderson asked Michele deLaFreniere and other patrons to leave the nightclub because they had “freaked out” women customers by using the women’s restrooms.
When the transgender patrons tried to use the men’s room, they complained to Anderson that male patrons harassed them.
“It was determined that the safest course for the protection of all was to exclude these particular individuals because their conduct was creating tension at the nightclub,” Anderson said.
DeLaFreniere, who is chairman of the Scottsdale Human Relations Commission and a city employee, said it was a matter of discrimination and filed the complaint.
Anderson said he has no bias against transgender individuals, but could not afford to put in a third restroom specifically for that group.
It could be worse, I suppose, just imagine how many restrooms a bar owner would need to provide in Alexandria, where the opening of Lawrence Durrell’s Justine asserts that
there are more than five sexes and only demotic Greek seems to distinguish among them.
Hat tip to David Larkin.

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