18 Sep 2007

The Left Counts the Numbers

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Daily Kos cites a poll of 1461 Iraqis taken by a “respected British marketing research firm” which proves the US is responsible for the violent deaths of more than a million Iraqis so far.

And Ray Drake, at Davids Medienkritik, cites German media reports of numbers of US anti-war demonstrators.

    ARD Tagesschau, SZ and SPIEGEL ONLINE – “4,000 to 6,000” anti-war demonstrators
    ZDF and Die Zeit – “About 10,000” anti-war demonstrators
    TAZ – “Tens-of-thousands” of anti-war demonstrators
    Die Welt – “50,000 anti-war demonstrators”
    Die Presse (Austrian media site) – “Around 100,000 Americans marched against the war…”

Do I hear 200,000? 500,000? 1,000,000 anti-war demonstrators? Going once – going twice – sold!

2 Feedbacks on "The Left Counts the Numbers"

Scott D

Hey, if you’re unfettered from facts, there is no upper bound to exaggeration.

Paul Kledon


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