07 Jan 2008

Stiles & Kissing Gates Under Attack in Britain

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London Times:

Stiles and kissing gates are the latest aspects of country life to fall victim to political correctness.

They have been a familiar feature of the landscape for centuries, but local authorities now believe that installing them along footpaths and rights of way is a breach of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.

This law requires public services to make “reasonable adjustments” to allow disabled access.

A number of councils have identified stiles and kissing gates as obstructions for people with mobility problems or with visual impairments. Some want stiles banned and kissing gates replaced by larger ones that allow wheelchair access.

Hat tip to Walter Olson.

One Feedback on "Stiles & Kissing Gates Under Attack in Britain"

Yvette Finnegan

Politics Have Gone Too Far In All Countries. It Will Be The Demise Of Every Culture To Themselves In Modern Times. Now How Is It That A Kissing Gate ( Which Is Part Of My Legacy) Can Disappear From The English Countryside Just like My Family Can Disappear After I Have Them Stolen By Hoodlems In America? Problem/ Solution: If A Wheelchair Is Meandering On Those Hills By Themselves Then They Need A Kissing Gate Buddy To Accompany Them! It’s that simple! Kissing is for 2 People! End Of Discussion! Otherwise, if you can’t blow a kiss on a dandelion clock by yourself you are a dependent and shouldn’t be alone in the first place!


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