01 Feb 2008

Ann Coulter Promises to Campaign for Hillary over McCain

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Ann Coulter: “I will campaign for (Hillary) if it’s McCain. …Hillary is more conservative than John McCain. She lies less than John McCain. She’s smarter than John McCain, so that when she’s caught shamelessly lying, at least the Clintons know they’ve been caught lying. McCain is so stupid, he doesn’t even know he’s been caught.”

3:45 video

I’m not planning to campaign for Hillary personally, but one has to admit Ann Coulter’s got a point.

Hat tip to Allahpundit.

One Feedback on "Ann Coulter Promises to Campaign for Hillary over McCain"

Dominique R. Poirier


But, unless I have been mistaken at some point, I believed she was a dedicated Romney’s supporter.

Doesn’t she support him any longer?


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