22 Jan 2009

Obama’s First Presidential Act

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Barack Hussein Obama opened his administration by addressing America’s first priority: the protection of terrorists and illegal combatants.

The Guantanamo Detention Center is to be closed “within a year.”

The CIA is to close its network of covert overseas detention facilities.

Interrogation methods used by US Intelligence agencies will be limited to those approved by the US Army Field Manual

New York Times story


Spook86 predicts that the worst of the lot will go to the Federal Maximum Security Prison in Florence, Colorado, and that the new load on the federal court system will provoke the creation of a new Federal Security Court system.

MacRanger predicts that the impact of the Obama reforms will assure a lot fewer illegal combatants are taken alive.

One Feedback on "Obama’s First Presidential Act"


When the economy is suffering and a lot of the “terrorists” were actually tortured by us (against international laws), I’m not surprised that it’s being closed.

Good job using his middle name to try to allude to Middle Eastern ties such as Saddam Hussein – it just shows that you have bias and biggotry running through you.

Now on to forgetting your lousy attempt at an attack on the new president.


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