22 Apr 2009

CIA: Waterboarding KSM Saved LA

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Still there


After KSM was captured by the United States, he was not initially cooperative with CIA interrogators. …

After he was subjected to the “waterboard” technique, KSM became cooperative, providing intelligence that led to the capture of key al Qaeda allies and, eventually, the closing down of an East Asian terrorist cell that had been tasked with carrying out the 9/11-style attack on Los Angeles.

3 Feedbacks on "CIA: Waterboarding KSM Saved LA"

Lazarus Long

Oh darn!

Joe Blow

The cruelty of the coastal urban elite is reserved for ordinary Americans, political opponents, people who don’t order fancy coffee, and the unborn. They think our enemies are illusory; we should not lift a finger to protect them until they decide it’s a worthy enterprise.

Maggie's Farm

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