09 Nov 2009

“Die Mauer Ist Weg!” (The Wall Is Gone!)

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photo: Lionel Cirroneau

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) celebrates the 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall with this 5:06 video.

I was watching this video which mentions that 200 people were killed trying to get over the wall after the East German government issued orders to fire upon defectors, and I could not help recognizing the identity of philosophic outlook with the recent House-passed Health Care Bill which proposes to fine people who fail to purchase health insurance. Punishing someone with a fine for failing to contribute to a collective insurance scheme differs only in scale from shooting someone for trying to withhold his work and taxes by escaping from the state entirely. The same view of the right of the collective to demand what it wishes of the individual is fundamental to both.

One Feedback on "“Die Mauer Ist Weg!” (The Wall Is Gone!)"


Eversince the Berlin Wall has gone thousands invisible walls have been rised in our globalised post-modern world.


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