Oleg Atbashian, the Ukrainian emigrée who operates The People’s Cube, has a series of questions for liberals intended to highlight the contradictions of their positions.
If all cultures are equal, why doesn’t UNESCO organize International Cannibalism Week festivals? …
If all beliefs are equally valid, how come my belief in the absurdity of this maxim gets rejected by its proponents?
Ever noticed that for the past thirty years, we’ve been hearing we have less than ten years to save the planet? …
If a politician gets elected by the poor on a promise to eliminate poverty, wouldn’t fulfilling his promise destroy his voting base? Wouldn’t he rather benefit from the growing numbers of poor people? Isn’t this an obvious conflict of interests? …
If cutting out the middleman lowers the price, why are we paying the government to stand between us and the markets?
If racial profiling is an abomination, what do you make of the last presidential election?
Why is a huge poisonous cloud over a volcano considered magnificent — but a smokestack over an American factory is ugly and harmful?
How many Kyoto Protocols are rendered pointless by one medium-sized volcanic eruption? …
Why do those who object to tampering with the environment approve of tampering with the economy? Isn’t the economy also a fragile ecosystem where a sudden change can trigger a devastating chain reaction?
Read the whole thing.
Hat tip to Karen L. Myers.
If socialism is so much more attractive than capitalism, why aren’t more people emigrating from the US to Cuba and Venezuela?
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