I believe the intentions are good but they so often choose to advocate either for the most controversial issue or they use a shaming/talking down tactic that leaves you uninspired to say the least. It’s kind of like when the president flies to Florida for a environmental event and uses $800,000 worth of jet fuel to tell us all we have to sit in the cold and dark in order to save the world.
T. Shaw
Everything hose assholes just said is bullshit.
I believe the intentions are good but they so often choose to advocate either for the most controversial issue or they use a shaming/talking down tactic that leaves you uninspired to say the least. It’s kind of like when the president flies to Florida for a environmental event and uses $800,000 worth of jet fuel to tell us all we have to sit in the cold and dark in order to save the world.
Estoy Listo
WTF was that about?
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