30 Jul 2015

“Sexetarianos”, the Controversial New Tribe Whose Members Do Not Have Sex with Carnivores



Señorasque.com reports that sanctimonious goofiness in European countries has recently risen to a brand-new level.

They are vegetarians or vegans who believe that their philosophy should not be limited to the plate but also extended to the bed. Admirable Environmental awareness, or ideological excess?

There are many ways to adopt a lifestyle more healthy and respectful of the ecosystem of our planet. While some people choose to join the ranks of vegetarianism and eliminate all foods of animal origin, others are stricter and, as in the case of vegans, eliminate any food of animal origin or involving animal exploitation. There are also the raw vegans, who are limited to eating only vegetables, seeds and other natural foods in their natural state: uncooked.

Well, there is now an even more extreme development: sexetarianos: vegetarians who choose not to have sex with carnivores. For them, it is not only an issue of ethics, but also of health. Many of these sexetarianos think it makes no sense to choose a healthy diet and an ethical course of conduct intended to end animal cruelty, if you proceed to ‘exchange fluids’ with someone who consumes animals and wind up ‘contaminating’ your healthy body.

The policy is apparently so strict that sexetarianos also avoid kissing, or coming into contact with the saliva, sweat, etc., of other humans who eat animal products.

6 Feedbacks on "“Sexetarianos”, the Controversial New Tribe Whose Members Do Not Have Sex with Carnivores"


But why would you want an intimate relationship with one of these crazies in the first place?

Andrew B

I wonder what percentage of these people are pro-life. I would bet it is a very small–depressingly small–percentage. We have abortionists carving up living babies like pastrami, but I bet that 90+% of vegans are in favor of abortion. If this was done to unborn veal calves they would be burning down barns as we speak.


No beaver ?

T. Shaw

Old age brings a sense of calm, among other things. It’s as if one is no longer pulled about by wild horses. As such, I don’t have sex with brainless idiots, a.k.a., liberals.



It’s interesting how often archaic forms of thought (“purity must be maintained”) find their way into modern life.


“The policy is apparently so strict that sexetarianos also avoid kissing, or coming into contact with the saliva, sweat, etc., of other humans who eat animal products.”

Why stop at just not having physical contact with unclean individuals?

Go all the way — isolate yourself from all modern amenities created by meat eaters. And modern medicine as most forms were surely tested on animal subjects first, if not derived from sacred animals. Don’t live in a modern house built by meat eaters, from materials harvested from nature by people who eat meat!
Don’t drink water that was purified in a modern water treatment plant — Carnivorous humans work there- they would be contaminating your water by breathing in it’s presence!



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