09 Nov 2015

Current Students Disagree with 2014 Alumnus

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4 Feedbacks on "Current Students Disagree with 2014 Alumnus"


I am sure that some who use this tactic (calling everyone racist if they don’t toe the line) actually believe it. But make no mistake the leaders of this movement are Marxist/socialist who are simply using Alinsky rules to grab power. This is the far left/communism/socialism/fascism trying to defeat and depose democracy/freedom. I suspect the young lady is simply a useful idiot and otherwise clueless.


Have they all signed up for their little red books yet?


Whether they believe it or not, they completely understand that invoking racism causes the spineless people at Yale to capitulate to them. This went on at Yale in the late 60s with the Black Panthers and the SDS. And, yes, useful idiots abound at that institution.


I think this is terrific. I hope the students are as successful in this modern revolt as the students in the 1960s.

The students should be egged-on. All that liberal claptrap died in 1960s, only its zombie brain lives on. Communism/Fascism won in the 1960s.

Christakises aren’t being treated any differently than the “racists,” “sexists,” and “homophobes” already purged. And for their part in that purge, they deserve all the ills that befall them.

The students want Yale purified of wrong thought. I want Yale destroyed. It’s win-win.


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