King Tommen Baratheon
Blond and easily duped, powerful but clumsy with said power, impressed by girls’ boobs and wacky religions.Colorado
Jorah Mormont
Athletic, secretly wealthy, with a sun-tanned, weathered face. Incessantly trying to sleep with a younger woman.Connecticut
Joffrey Baratheon
Rich, bratty, emotionally unnerving. Definitely PG’d at Taft.Delaware
That guy Ned Stark executes in the pilot
No one remembers that Delaware is the first state either.Florida
“Mad” King Aerys II Targaryen
Senile, wealthy, paranoid, prone to random outbursts of insanity. Pretty confident that he will eventually turn into a dragon.Georgia
Janos Slynt
Does not do well in cold weather.Hawaii
Sansa Stark
Unspoiled and beautiful, until evil outside forces wreak havoc on her. Understandably angry.Idaho
Mance Rayder
An anti-big government Libertarian with his own militia.
19 Jun 2016
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