17 Jul 2016

For Urban Hipsters

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Not sure what bothers me more……

The fact that Menards thinks they can sell 8″diameter/9 inch high logs for $9.99….

Or that I saw some hipster in fake work boots loading 4 into his cart.

Or 1) that these are unsplit and so large in diameter that you will have to have a fire already going well with a good bed of coals before there is any possibility of getting any of them lit. They are too short for a fireplace and they all need to be split.


2) They are all birch (!). Get one of these logs lit finally, and poof! it will be gone in a ridiculously short interval of time.

Not only are these pieces of alleged firewood ridiculously priced, they are useless as firewood.

Via Vanderleun.



Commenter Hammond Aikes knows more about these than I did. I thought they were just logs. But “Bonfire Log” is a brand name. They are actually chemically-treated artificial logs, which will light readily and burn 1 1/2 hours in the Regular size, 2 1/2 hours in the Jumbo.

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Hammond Aikes

Look at the star cut through the center of the logs and the illustration on the packaging.
These burn from the center out and are chemically treated.
“The Bonfire burns more than 1.5 hours, while the Bonfire Jumbo goes for about 2.5 hours. Both can be enjoyed in a fire pit, chimnea, or fireplace, indoors or out.”

It’s a gimmick.


These things are know as Swedish Fire torches or Canadian candles.

The star pattern cut in the center is the trick. You light the center and they burn inside out.

Although, the way I’ve seen to make them requires the cuts to be open to the side to permit air in. Perhaps their chemical treatment takes care of that?



“Artisanal firewood”.
But is it organic, gluten free, non-GMO?


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