21 Sep 2016

You Know How Kids Get a Kick Out of It When Older People Can’t Handle Technology?


One Feedback on "You Know How Kids Get a Kick Out of It When Older People Can’t Handle Technology?"


I love technology. I have been retired for 17 years and spent 95% of my working career in the computer field. However what most young people do with technology is foreign to me. On a recent trip I noticed that 90% of the people had their eyes glued on their cell phones and many had ear buds in (If they were taking on-line classes I would be impressed but doubtlessly they were listening to music without soul or meaning). Many/most millennials buy computers to play mindless games or post on facebook. I have a cell phone, a flip phone. I keep it shut off, sometimes for days to weeks. I am so happy when my phone does not ring. Going to Zion in two days than camping in the wilds of Southern Utah and perhaps seeing new and exciting wildlife and sights. So much better than playing computer games in my underwear in my bedroom.


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