Harvard-made video insulting Yale which was released just before last Saturday’s The Game. Poor Harvard, for the record, got slaughtered 24-3.
I was surprised by all the inaccurate boasting about Harvard’s alleged academic & test-score superiority. I fear these young people are deluded and misinformed. I’m not up on current stats, but I know my own Yale Class beat the same entering Harvard Class’s SAT scores.
The bit at the end, mocking all the other Ivy League schools, was amusing.

Seattle Sam
Yale’s Ivy championship is being challenged on the grounds that Kurt Rawling’s Great-Great- Great-Great- Great-Great-Great-Grandfather was a slave-owner. Yale has countered that one of their cheerleaders is a Muslim Transsexual. A committee of Gender Studies professors will meet next week to sort this all out.
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