18 Feb 2018


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Mueller Indicts 13 Russians

13 guys posting opinions on social media successfully interfered with the lawful functioning of an American presidential election overruling the wishes of 127+ million voters? Wow!

5 Feedbacks on "Really?"

Dick the Butcher

Hat tip to twain. Suppose you were a democrat, and suppose you were an idiot, but, I repeat myself.

Steve Gregg

Thirteen Russians tipped the election with Facebook posts while fifty million liberals doing the same did not?

Seattle Sam

Florida law enforcement went to Nikolas Cruz’ house 39 times and couldn’t figure out he was dangerous. I’d say that’s a tossup.

bob sykes

America is dead. Will someone please bury the corpse before it begins to stink.


I thought that the fact that Mexico meddles in our elections would come up. They meddle perhaps 100 times more than Russia and have for decades. Remember when Bob B1 Dornon lost to Loretta Sanchezby 968 votes. Even though Dornon was able to prove in court that Sanchez and La Raza conspired to have 1800 proven (no telling how many unproven) illegal alien voters. The court inexplicably ruled in Sanchez favor and no one was ever punished for this massive voter fraud.

A similar thing happens every election in California and other states with Chinese meddling and even Korean meddling. Where is our MSM on this?


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