12 May 2018

Trump Not Invited to John McCain’s Funeral

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Not in the best of taste, of course, but it does make an important point in recognizing that an awful lot of voting Americans really do like Donald Trump’s combativeness.

8 Feedbacks on "Trump Not Invited to John McCain’s Funeral"


McCain seems to go out of his way to be a dickhead. He has always been a faux-conservative. He has a very exaggerated and high opinion of himself and his moral superiority. He uses his service record, specifically is POW status in much the same way blacks use their color to excuse himself from any responsibility and to gain advantage in all things. If his plane hadn’t been shot down we would have never heard of him or from him and the world would be a better place.

Seattle Sam

Insightful observation, GWTW, although I would point out that what McCain did ought to give him considerably more points than “being black”.


FWIW, I will not be attending either. Songbird is on his own.


John McC. just needs to shut up and play some solitaire to pass the rest of his time.

Dick the Butcher

If I were Trump, I’d issue an order that McCain not be buried in Arlington.

The Daily Gouge (a retired USN jet fighter pilot): “This last act of classlessness is simply par for the course for McCain’s career. From leaving his crippled wife for a large-breasted, blond beer heiress to selling out to Charlie Keating, from supporting illegal immigration to providing the critical vote to sustain ObamaCare, McCain has been a pox upon humanity and the body politic.” […]

“In any event, we’ll certainly take the time to stop by McCain’s final resting place…to piss on his grave. We’re of the opinion whatever gratitude McCain deserved for his involuntary suffering was dissipated long ago. Still, we don’t wish him ill; rather we hope he’ll go gently…and quietly…into that good night.”

Is it a crime to piss on a dead senator’s grave? Asking for a friend.


And don’t forget the way he screamed at the wife of a missing soldier in Viet Nam, during a committee hearing on POW’s in 1992. She wanted a more thorough search and believed some men were still being held in the North. Maybe her husband. Kerry and McCain fought like hell to keep the fact that there were men left behind secret.

He treated her like shit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FavCYv0E5OU

Spurt Reynolds

Worst Republican Presidential nominee in modern times. He has been a bitter man ever since that loss and not a real conservative. Most of my co-workers, family, and friends have wanted someone like Trump to run for 20 years.

He is going out the hard-way, but I will not miss him.


I would not go either. Too hard to clean the pissy mud from my shoes…


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