16 Jan 2019

Gillette’s Toxic Masculinity Commercial

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7 Feedbacks on "Gillette’s Toxic Masculinity Commercial"

Seattle Sam

I am wondering if P&G will also be changing it’s advertising for Olay that emphasizes beautiful women getting their bodies ready for the men.

Seattle Sam

Gillette’s marketing plan calls for making up volume by convincing men to shave their legs.


I think what we are seeing is that activists with intent reach a high level in corporations, colleges and sports teams and then use this position to propagate their agenda. They are not acting in the best interests of their employer but they don’t care.


The 20/30-something activists have been burrowed into the corporate/academic/media complex for some time now.
P&G’s Febreze will be hard-pressed to contain this toxic feminist miasma.

Seattle Sam

Ironically, the same people who complain that management often serves its own financial interests rather than those of the shareholders are the same people who pursue virtue signaling over the profits of the company.

Bill Stiles

It’s drivel, mostly.


The beauty of such ads is that they piss off the very men they are trying to reach, convincing only the converted. It’s normal for ad campaigns to have little effect but its unusual for them to actually antagonize their customers. The Woke brand has the stench of failure which stinks to us normal people but is sweet perfume to those true believers who want to hijack everything to proselytize their politically correct religion.


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