11 Aug 2019

It’s a Wonderful Coincidence

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When JFK was assassinated the DA of Louisiana or New Orleans held a grand jury and had 20 named witnesses. Life magazine published a cover with all 20 faces of these witnesses. By the time the DA was ready to make his case 19 of the 20 were dead and the one living witness was a housewife in Kansas who was in hiding. IMHO there was only one organization in the world outside of Russia and Israel that could have done this; the CIA. Mr Epstein’s untimely demise was no simple job. Sure it would have been simple for one of the guards or maybe even another prisoner to kill him. But it simply wasn’t possible for Bill or Hillary to simply order it done. This would have to be a big f—ing deal (to quote Biden). Not the FBI, not the DOJ, I’m thinking the CIA and a few ,million dollars. Watch and see if some of these guards have a deadly accident on the way home from work in the next few weeks.


Bah! All they had to do was show the Perv a picture of Whitey, or is remains, and ask him to imagine his future if he was “accidentally” put into the general population with “Pedo” and “Gov Fink” on his folder. You know the type of people that they had to hire during the Obama Administration…..

Without a healthy “culling” of that herd, we will never contol our government or institutions again. Whitey and Jeffy could name names. Who will be next?


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