Babylon Bee: “International Manhunt Under Way For Those Who Signed Letter Supporting Tolerance Of Differing Viewpoints”
Harper’s A letter on Justice and Open Debate
A couple of signatories (including trans author Jennifer Finney Boylan and professional African American Kerri Greenidge) are crawfishing and revoking their signatures.

And it will All be different in the morning.
Remember to flush when you are done so the screaming will be further away. Or so I read in the New York Slimes. Or was it the Washington Swamp Post? But, whatever, flush frequently and oftem, just like corruptocrat voting.
So,the very same people who have fomented this frothy sea of (perhaps) unintended consequences are advising that
(Per Harper’s) A most bodacious cleansing of (well,nothing,really) is rather good, actually.
*cough* Beg your pardon.
Long live the Babylon Bee!!
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