Category Archive 'Babylon Bee'
04 Apr 2024

Diversity Always Increases Our Strength!

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24 Mar 2023

Alvin Bragg’s Next Indictment

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Babylon Bee:

NEW YORK, NY — District Attorney Alvin Bragg is reportedly set to indict Trump this coming Tuesday for the removal of a mattress tag back in 1997. According to sources, new evidence was discovered in the mattress tag cold case by grizzled Detective Harry Jakes, who utilized modern advances in forensic science to place former president Donald Trump at the scene of the crime.

“We got him dead to rights,” said Bragg in an unnecessary press conference. “No one removes a mattress tag in my city and gets away with it!”


25 Jan 2023

Fired Twitter Employee Interviews For New Job

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29 Dec 2022

Spelling Bee


12 Sep 2022

A Wise Decision!

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Babylon Bee:

LONDON — In his first official royal decree, King Charles has replaced Meghan and Harry in the line of succession with two of the late Queen’s corgis.

“Fluffy here shall immediately assume the title of Duke,” said Charles, presenting the corgi with a scepter. “There now! Who’s a good future King of England?”

The nation of England erupted into celebration upon hearing the news. “After the sadness of the past week, it feels good to have something to be happy about,” said citizen Gerald Funderburk. “The thought of the monarchy falling into the hands of Harry or Meghan, those blithering idiots…we can all rest a little easier tonight knowing the kingdom will be in good hands. Or paws.”


02 Sep 2022

New Tolkien Travesty Parody

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12 Aug 2022

IRS Recruiting!

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The Babylon Bee details the 17 qualifications they’re looking for:

Must be a U.S. citizen

Minimum education: Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting

5 years of Krav Maga martial arts experience

Maintain a level of fitness necessary to perform a chokehold until a tax delinquent is subdued and/or dead …

Cheered for Agent Smith in The Matrix …

Passionate about auditing Etsy moms selling crafts just trying to make ends meet

Fluent in German, goose-stepping experience is a plus …

Previous waterboarding experience

Pass a psychological exam to determine if you sympathize with the government while watching Jason Bourne movies

Looking for the type that shoots first and does the math later …



And whom will they be going after? You, Mr. & Mrs. Small Business Owners.
NY Post:

A key provision in the Inflation Reduction Act — which throws an extra $80 billion to the IRS to improve the agency’s collection of under-reported income — will end up targeting small business owners to pay for the legislation, according to nonpartisan watchdog the Joint Committee on Taxation.

The group estimates that between 78% and 90% of the estimated additional $200 billion the IRS will collect will come from small businesses making less than $200,000 annually.

Just 4% to 9% would come from businesses making north of $500,000 a year — meaning the legislation is in sharp contrast to President Biden’s longstanding claim that he wouldn’t raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000.

“The IRS will have to target small and medium businesses because they won’t fight back,” Joe Hinchman, executive vice president at National Taxpayers Union Foundation, told The Post. “We’ve seen this play out before … the IRS says ‘We’re going after the rich’ but when you’re trying to raise that much money, the rich can only get you so far.”

08 Jul 2022

When Donald Trump Is Re-Elected

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Babylon Bee:

1: Spray Febreze on the Oval Office curtains to get the old man smell out: Step one to draining the swamp is giving it a flowery scent.


31 Jan 2022

“Free to be Themselves”

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26 Jan 2022

Russia, Beware!

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23 Dec 2021

America’s Journal of Record (The Babylon Bee) Interviews Elon Musk

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“If You Could Die Of Irony, She [Liz Warren] Would Be Dead.”

27 Nov 2021

“San Francisco Stores Hold 100% Off Black Friday Sale”

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Babylon Bee:

SAN FRANCISCO, CA—In a beloved San Fran tradition, stores across the city are holding their annual 100% off Black Friday sale today, offering shoppers the opportunity to come in, throw as much stuff in a bag as they can fit, and run out of the store.

“Come one, come all, and check out these amazing discounts!” said the manager of one San Francisco Walgreens. “You can get makeup, electronics, Takis, sunglasses, you name it—even prescription medications!”

One shopper said she just had to go check out the savings on designer handbags. “Yeah, I don’t really like going out in the crowds, but for 100% off, sure. I’ll throw on a ski mask and some gloves and grab as many Gucci purses as possible.”


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