18 Dec 2020

It Has Happened Here

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The anonymous professor forwards:

YouTube has announced that it will ban content that questions the fairness or legitimacy of the 2020 election. This is ominously Orwellian. Matt Taibbi comments from the left:

If you want a population of people to stop thinking an election was stolen from them, it’s hard to think of a worse method than ordering a news blackout after it’s just been demonstrated that the last major blackout [Hunter Biden laptop] was a fraud.

2 Feedbacks on "It Has Happened Here"


I agree, but they must know their target audience. Democratic cities get burned out, ghetto’d out, murdered, and the perps still get re-elected. The Left has nothing left to steal in the trash heap, so a national scam is their only option. The U.S. has a big city population so why not go with what has worked in the past?

Brother John

In other news, blind squirrel finds acorn.


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