Category Archive '“Alien” (1979)'

28 Jul 2021

Proposed Maserati Motorcycle

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Maserati actually quit building motorcycles in 1960, but Czech designer Tomáš Klečka came up nonetheless with a suggested hyper-modern design for a Maserati electric motorcycle allegedly inspired by the frightful critter that menaced Sigourney Weaver in the 1979 film “Alien.”

There is no evidence that any of this is actually going to happen, but that’s a pity, because this is one helluva design. I don’t even ride motorcycles and I want one.

Luxury Launches has more photos.

21 Feb 2016

Stapler v. Ripley


Get away from her, you bitch!


02 Dec 2015

Illegal Alien

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24 Sep 2014




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