Category Archive 'Bobcat'

09 Mar 2023

Just Dropped In


18 Apr 2021

North Carolina Man Tosses Attacking Bobcat

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From Jalopnik:

A North Carolina man and woman were attacked by a bobcat in their driveway earlier this week, and things got real crazy, real fast. What starts off as a sleepy suburban morning becomes a chaotic scene, culminating in the man throwing the bobcat and yelling “I’LL SHOOT THE FUCKER!”

The day seems to start off innocuously enough, as the man and woman begin their morning by loading things into a Ford Explorer. To the side is a fabulous Ford Freestyle, a vehicle that never got its proper due despite being a wagon.

The man bids good morning to a runner and turns to the Explorer. He carries a tray of food and what looks like coffee, which he then sets down on the hood right after reminding himself that he needs to wash his car. I mean, coffee on the hood is a risky move already, but it pales in comparison to what’s next.

14 May 2020

Bobcats Can Jump

05 Jun 2019

Every Year in Tucson

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24 Jan 2017



09 Sep 2008

Squatters Seize Bank-Owned California House

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The LA Times notes that the foreclosure market is working for some home-seekers.

A family of bobcats (Lynx rufus) has taken up occupancy in an empty (bank-owned) house in the Tuscany Hills development of Lake Elsinore, California.


Hat tip to Karen L. Myers.

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