Category Archive 'Comedy'

02 Feb 2016

Abbott and Costello Explain the Democrats’ Theory of Labor and Economics

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29 Jul 2013

Revenge of George R.R. Martin

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Geek and sundry, earlier this year, released a humorous ditty, urging George R. R. Martin to “write, and write faster. Winter is coming.” And…

“Please bear in mind, in the time that you’ve had,
William Shakespeare turned out 35 friggin’ plays!

And if you keep writing so slow,
You’ll hold up the HBO show.”


And George R. R. Martin (assisted by Neil Gaiman) caught up with his tormentors only a few months later at the w00tstock 5.0 show at San Diego Comic-Con.

Hat tip to Karen L. Myers.

15 Jul 2013


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Garfunkel & Oates perform a comedy song highlighting the differences in female perspective that can occur in only two short years between the ages of 29 and 31. I thought it was pretty funny.

27 Oct 2010

David Letterman: Top Ten Signs There’s Trouble in the Democrat Party

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