Category Archive 'Golden Gate Bridge'

09 Apr 2017


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Carl LaFong:

The Golden Gate bridge was built in two years by men with slide rules who smoked Lucky Strikes and used racial epithets. Today it takes our enlightened and fabulously diverse society 4 years to paint it. You tell me if we’re better off.

09 Sep 2014

Last Friday

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Two deer interrupted the evening commute last Friday around 5:30 PM, crossing the Golden Gate Bridge. They were presumably on their way north to attend one of the private events up at Bohemian Grove on the Russian River.

13 Apr 2009

Coming Next to a Liberal Jurisdiction Near You

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Erika Eiffel cheating on tower with bridge. (Get a room!)

Same sex marriage was recently legalized in Iowa and Vermont. Why stop there? If the definition and purpose of marriage can be modified in accordance with the tides of current political fashion to accommodate non-reproductive relationships formerly regarded as perverse, there is no reason beyond mere size of constituency to deny happiness and fulfillment to the objectophilic, to people like Erika La Tour Eiffel whose soulmate is a certain tower in Paris which has proven to be a complaisant spouse turning a blind window to the young lady’s special bond with a certain bridge in San Francisco.

Objectùm-Sexuality Internationale web-site

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