Category Archive 'Left-wing Hypocrisy'

15 Sep 2021

“AOC Writes ‘Tax The Rich’ In The Sky With Her Private Jet”

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Babylon Bee:

NEW YORK, NY—On her way back to D.C. from the Met Gala, a young lady named AOC made a powerful statement on equity by directing the pilot of her private jet to write ‘Tax The Rich’ in the sky.

The stunningly brave slogan was seen by thousands of people in the area and inspired dozens.

“AOC is a true socialist hero,” said Comrade Maisley Wiggins of the Socialist Party of America. “We couldn’t agree more with her statement that the rich should be taxed, which they clearly aren’t. Of course, AOC should be the exception, due to her being a socialist hero.”

Speaking to reporters after landing in D.C., AOC said: “I, like, just thought of doing that while sitting all bored and stuff in my jet. Then I commanded my indentured slave pilot to write in the sky about how important it is to tax the rich! Yay socialism!”


14 Sep 2021

AOC Attends $35,000-a-Seat Met Gala Wearing Custom Designer “Tax-the-Rich” Dress


Daily Mail:

Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez boasted that she boosted Google searches about ‘our f****d up tax code’ by attending the Met Gala, arguably the most elitist event in American celebrity culture, in a borrowed dress with the words ‘tax the rich’ on them, in what critics are calling yet another example of her unedifying hypocrisy.

The 31-year-old socialist firebrand attended the event with her boyfriend Riley Roberts after getting ready at The Carlyle Hotel on the Upper East Side.

She claims she went for free to the event, where tables can cost upwards of $200,000, and that it was her responsibility to do so as an elected official.

‘The Met Gala is seen as elite and inaccessible…As a working class woman, [I] wanted to enjoy the event but also break the fourth wall and challenge the industry,’ she proudly told Vogue at the event.

On Tuesday morning, AOC boasted about the surge in Google searches for the words ‘tax the rich’.

She wrote on Instagram: ‘Surge in people looking up and discussing our f****d up tax code is and how we fix it so we can fund childcare, healthcare, climate action and student loan forgiveness for all? Aurora James understood the assignment.’

But she has been slammed for supporting the event by many who say she simply wanted to enjoy the limelight while trying to pass it off as a political protest in yet another example of her tone-deaf hypocrisy.

AOC – who previously posed on the cover of Vanity Fair, drives a $35,000 Tesla and claims to be ‘100% grass roots from the Bronx’ despite growing up in a wealthy NYC suburb – wore a borrowed dress from Brooklyn designer Brother Vellies, a celebrity favorite run by Aurora James and had her make-up done beforehand by a Bobbi Brown artist. Her hair was styled by Vogue stylist Eric Williams and her shoes and bag were also from Brother Vellies.

The only jewelry she wore was a pair of $450 gold hoops from Mejuri and a $65 ring from the same brand.

She didn’t wear a mask, like many of the other guests. The event was for fully vaccinated guests only but the celebrities in attendance – who regularly preach online about COVID rules – ignored the guidance of the CDC and liberal states like California, where masks are recommended indoors regardless of vaccination status.


11 Jan 2021

Double Standard Department

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04 Apr 2018

Why a 53-Year-Old Big-City Lawyer Who Has Never Shot a Gun Joined the NRA

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Chuck wants you to join!

Josh Kantrow recently joined the NRA.

I am a 53-year-old lawyer who lives in a trendy neighborhood in a large diverse city with my wife and three kids. I have never owned a gun. In fact, even though I grew up in Louisiana (“Sportsman’s Paradise”), I have never even pulled the trigger of any weapon except a BB gun.

Yet, last week, I became a proud member of the NRA for the first time. I did so because the anti-gun hysteria that I’ve witnessed is dangerous, alarming, and ignores the facts. I’ve joined the NRA to stand up for them when they are viciously attacked, since the organization is a convenient scapegoat, not a cause of what happened in Florida.

I’m fed up. …

[I]nstead of focusing on … social issues and law enforcement breakdowns, we’ve seen unbridled hatred and rage directed toward responsible gun owners. I’ve seen this personally by my friends on the Left. The simple facts are these: overall gun violence is down markedly over the last 20 years, even as more guns are in circulation and the Supreme Court has given greater backing to individual rights to own a firearm. …

It seems to me, however, that the Left is not interested in sensible changes to existing gun laws, such as strengthening background checks, employing more armed security at schools, and better identification and separation of troubled youths. Rather, the Left wants to destroy the NRA and repeal the Second Amendment, as articulated recently by former Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens.


I’m a Life Member myself.

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