Montana Rattlesnake Den
Natural History, Prairie Rattlesnake

These are prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalis viridis).
Category Archive 'Natural History'
08 Apr 2015
Montana Rattlesnake DenNatural History, Prairie Rattlesnake![]() These are prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalis viridis). 31 Mar 2015
Coyote Spotted on Roof of Bar in QueensCoyote, Natural History, New York City![]() New York Daily News: Coyote seen on roof of bar in Long Island City, Queens. Hat tip to Lisa Schiffren. 03 Mar 2015
Photo of the WeekEngland, Green Woodpecker, Natural History, Photography, Weasel![]() This photo of a weasel (looks like Mustela nivalis) riding on a Green Woodpecker (Picus viridus) is going viral.
10 Jan 2015
Farmer Gow Culls Super-Aggressive Herd of Heck CattleAurochs, England, Extinct Species, Heck Cattle, Natural History![]() The last aurochs (Bos primigenius primigenius), the wild ox from which all domestic cattle descend, was killed in Lithuania sometime in the 1600s. The aurochs, like the European bison, was a survivor of Pleistoscene Europe representing the grandest possible hunting trophy. Naturally, Nazi potentate Hermann Goering, driven by Romantic nostalgia for the pre-modern and mythic older Europe, made an effort to breed cattle backward in order to re-create the aurochs. The Heck Brother, directors respectively of the Berlin & Munich zoos, bred from a variety of ancient European cattle breeds and produced their own breed, thought to come very close to the original aurochs in size, temperament, and color. In 2009, it was reported that Derek Gow, a British conservationist, was importing a herd of Heck cattle from the Netherlands to Devon. The Daily Mail recently reported that Mr. Gow’s experiment proved rather dangerous, and that Gow was reducing his herd of thirteen by seven in order to eliminate the most dangerous and aggressive examples.
——————— Modern Farmer said, in essence, what do you expect to get, when you try raising Nazi cattle?
02 Jan 2015
38 Reasons to Never Visit AustraliaAustralia, Human Predation, Natural History![]()
The other 37. 11 Dec 2014
Largest White Truffle Sold at AuctionAuction Sales, Cuisine, Natural History, White Truffle![]()
Via Ratak Monodosico. 07 Nov 2014
Lions Against PorcupineLions, Natural History, Porcupine, South Africa![]() 17 lions (13 females and 4 males) versus one porcupine. Guess who wins? Londolozi blog story Hat tip to Karen L. Myers. 02 Nov 2014
Bear Fight in Jersey SuburbBlack Bear, Natural History, New Jersey![]() Don’t miss the comments by really dumb liberal girls who live a statist and Disneyfied dream world. Example:
31 Oct 2014
Yage: Jaguar CatnipDrugs, Jaguar, Natural History, Yage![]() Yage is the Banisteriopsis caapi vine. Back in 1953, William Burroughs experimented with yage and wrote a series of letters to Allen Ginsburg describing his experiences with the hallucinogen (and with Peruvian boys, who rolled the old poof for his money, eyeglasses, &c.). I never had a chance to try this one myself, but the jaguar definitely looks happy. Via IFL Science. ![]() Feeds